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We consider ourselves first and foremost, Farmers.

Our Pastures

It all starts with the pastures. Our pastures are Certified Organic, consisting of fescue, clover and native grasses. No herbicides, pesticides or synthetic fertilizers ever reach our pastures. All products used on our pastures are OMRI (Organic Material Research Institute) listed and certified.

Our cows

Our Cows forage on our organic pastures, their native diets. They are not fed grain, soy or supplements, nor are they treated with hormones or growth-promoting additives commonly found in commercial feed lots. Animals raised in factory farms are given diets designed to boost their productivity and lower costs. The main ingredients in these feed lots are genetically modified grain and soy. To further cut costs, the feed may also contain “by-product feedstuff” such as municipal garbage, stale pastry, chicken feathers and candy. Our cows feed and grow on our organic pastures as nature intended.

Salem Hills Farm carries the following regulated certifications:

  • 100% Grass Fed
  • No added hormones or antibiotics
  • No animal byproducts
  • BQA (Beef Quality Assured)
  • Black Angus certified


We are what we eat. A major benefit of 100% Grass Fed Beef is less total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and calories. It is richer in antioxidants; including vitamins E, beta-carotene, and vitamin C and a number of health promoting fats, including omega-3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid or CLA. 100% Grass Fed beef does not contain traces of added hormones, antibiotics or other drugs.

Health benefits

We consider ourselves first and foremost, Farmers.

Why Antibiotic Free?

It is necessary for beef to be antibiotic free to reduce the evolution of bacteria to become resistant to the same antibiotics that are administered to us when we become sick.

Why Hormone Free?

Feed lot beef has estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone integrated into their daily diet. These hormones have been banned in Europe since 1988 due to their link to cancer.

What’s the Big Deal?

Cattle are natural ruminants or grass eaters and when allowed to do so, they are:

  • Less fatty than commercial chicken
  • Higher in beta-carotene
  • Higher in Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)
  • Higher in the B-vitamins, Thiamin and Riboflavin
  • Higher in all of the following minerals: calcium, magnesium, and potassium
  • Higher in total omega-3s
  • A healthier ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids (1.65 vs. 4.84)
  • Higher in CLA (cis-9 trans-11), a potential cancer fighter
  • Higher in Vaccenic Acid (which can be transformed into CLA)
  • Lower in the saturated fats linked to heart disease


S.K. Duckett et al, Journal or Animal Science, (published online) June 2009, “Effects of winter stocker growth rate and finishing system on: III. Tissue proximate, fatty acid, vitamin and cholesterol content”.